A Records Management strategy is fundamental to a sound records management programme.   Our fast-track records management strategy development process is designed to ensure that your records management programme is aligned to your overall corporate objectives, with clear achievable goals and priorities, in the shortest possible time. 

records management strategy

Records Management Strategy process

Our strategy development process starts with identifying the organisation's objectives, and then developing carefully aligned records management strategic and tactical plans to ensure that records management is seen to be an integral and essential part of the organisation. 

During the process we identify and engage with your key stakeholders and business units to identify their requirements and concerns regarding records management.   We conduct a high level audit to determine the organisations state of readiness and maturity for records management.  This forms the baseline for creating priorities and a roadmap for implementation.   The process identifies the need for both paper and electronic records management, and determines which type of system is best suited to the organisation's current state of readiness.  Each organisation is different, with differing priorities and  infrastructure.  We use this as a basis to plot the way forward, taking your specific requirements into account.  Not only do we draft the initial roadmap, we also put  a change management plan in place to ensure that the programme gets the alignment from all necessary stakeholders.

All our methodologies and processes are based on international best practice, and we draw upon ISO standards where appropriate to guide the way forward. 

Our fast track process takes 5 days and is an intensive process designed to get results, fast.   Contact us now to secure a date for your records management strategy plan.


View our strategy development presentation, or contact us to see how we can assist in developing a strategy for records management for your organisation.