One of the first steps in implementing a records management programme is to identify the current state of affairs. The records management audit is key to understanding where the gaps and risks to the organisation lie. Our records audit services assist in developing implementation priorities and plans.
Our audits cover paper, electronic and any other forms of media, including audio-visual and microforms, and can be conducted against ISO 15489, legislated requirements (National Archives) and ISO 15801 for scanning . We start with a high level understanding of the organisation's attitude towards records management, and then delve into the level of compliance achieved in a number of areas:
- Records management and related policies
- Procedures for registries, records centres, and user departments
- Electronic records management processes and controls
- Storage areas and security for all media types
- Staffing and skill levels
Output from our audits is in the form of detailed reports and presentations highlighting deficiencies and risks, and priorities for implementation.
Contact us to see how we can conduct an audit in your environment.